Friday, August 29, 2008

Benzo's, what are they good for, uhh.......

I guess I am a bit biased when it comes to the blessed benzo's. Cynical after my CD inpatient experience. Detoxing of heroin is a walk in the park compared to getting off long term benzo use. I have heard suggestions from psychiatrists I respect that it takes up to two years to detox properly from them. I have not found any research that supports this claim though.

I guess they can be helpful, short term, e.g. post trauma or prn occasionally, for people with no substance abuse history. But too many good people are being left too long on them. They become physically, and more importantly, psychologically, dependent on them. They are convinced "nothing else is going too work".

Being trigger happy with this drug category is a dangerous game. Usually other psychotropics can be found that serve the same purpose. Not to mention non-pharmacological approaches.It is frustrating to see people left on these meds. for years, with limited or no attempts to find other avenues to address the target symptoms.

My final analysis: Useful in certain circumstances, but should be prescribed with caution. Can solve provider/pt. short term dilemma's only to create much bigger ones in the future

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Good news, at least for me...

Took and passed my certification test last Wednesday. Good to be able to find out right away like that, reduces anxiety, I am sure everybody around me is glad too.

Was unsure how I was doing when I was taking it. Had to answer 175 questions in 3,5 hours. Had 15 minutes left to review questions. A long test. A lot of questions.

Guess you had to have grad school work to pass it. Not a lot of facts, more focus on understanding. This is good. As graduate education, at least the high quality one, should not be testing our cognitive functions and memory. A MMSE is sufficient for that. Graduate education is supposed to help create a mind capable of critical thinking. So we can make the right decisions with the most current and reliable information available. After all information is always changing.

If any of you out there have yet to take the Adult PMHCNS exam and are about to this fall, do not hesitate to post questions here or send me an email at

I did feel though that ANCC takes too long sending out the Authorisation to test number. What is the hold up? This is not a government agency, the services are relatively expensive. They can't afford hiring one more person? Is the lack of competition making them complacent? Maybe there is a reason for this I am not seeing?

Other services from ANCC were excellent, but the delay remains strange.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am back

I plan to post 1-2 times a week from now on. Summer vacation is over: playtime is over;)

I am now working as a mental health professional. Will hopefully be fully credentialled soon. Pressure is mounting at work as I am feebly building up trying to assume my future expected case load.

I must say I feel a bit rusty after my time off. I am trying to be tolerant towards myself. Allow my self to feel overwhelmed and anxious for now: "This is normal, for a while at least..."

Psychiatry is no easy business, as we all know all too well.

Staying focused on today and the present moment, and the client in the moment really is helpful.

I do admit that I spend way too much time in the court room, mentally that is. Maybe it is because I am a foreigner, not used to a litigious society. Maybe just because I am a new practitioner. Or maybe just because I am a "nervous Nelly"?.

I know it is quite useless fretting about the future, but I give it a shot regulalry just for the heck of it...;)