I guess I am a bit biased when it comes to the blessed benzo's. Cynical after my CD inpatient experience. Detoxing of heroin is a walk in the park compared to getting off long term benzo use. I have heard suggestions from psychiatrists I respect that it takes up to two years to detox properly from them. I have not found any research that supports this claim though.
I guess they can be helpful, short term, e.g. post trauma or prn occasionally, for people with no substance abuse history. But too many good people are being left too long on them. They become physically, and more importantly, psychologically, dependent on them. They are convinced "nothing else is going too work".
Being trigger happy with this drug category is a dangerous game. Usually other psychotropics can be found that serve the same purpose. Not to mention non-pharmacological approaches.It is frustrating to see people left on these meds. for years, with limited or no attempts to find other avenues to address the target symptoms.
My final analysis: Useful in certain circumstances, but should be prescribed with caution. Can solve provider/pt. short term dilemma's only to create much bigger ones in the future