Just got back from a weekend long stay at a hermitage. Observed the caged monkey (my mind)jump around a little bit. Took walks, worked out, slept.
This is one form of self care. A kind that works for me, among various other things of course.
Other things work for other people.
General self care approaches are things like adequate sleep, exercise, spending time with family and friends, dancing, spiritual practices like prayer and meditation, healthy eating habits, tolerance towards own imperfections, etc.
We who work in this business have, I feel, a moral duty to take good care of ourselves. After all, we are the tools we work with, and our work will only be as good as our condition allows it to be.
That does not mean, I feel, that we should be perfect. It just means that we owe it to our clients to do our best to keep "fit" both spiritually and mentally. That we try, in our beautiful flawed human way to be sharp and well polished instruments.
Self care is not self-ish. What is selfish is neglecting self-care. It not only precipitates rust-out and burn out, it also hinders us to be of service to those we wish to serve.
What works for you?
Have you done that lately?
If no, why not?
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