Thursday, March 6, 2008

On the usefulness of being mindful...

Theres a hole in my sidewalk: by Portia Nelson

chapter 1..
i walk down a street
there's a dep hole in the side walk
i fall in
i am lost...i am helpless
it isnt my fault.
it takes me forever to find my way out.
chapter 2..
i walk down the street
there is a deep hole in the sidewalk
i pretend that i don't see it.
i fall in again
i cant believe i am in the same place.
but it isn't my fault
it still takes me a long time to get out.
chapter 3..
i walk down the same street.
there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
i see it is there.
i still fall,s a habit..but, my eyes are open.
i know where i am.
it is my fault.
i get out immediately.
chapter 4..
i walk down the same street
there is a deep hole in the sidewalk
i walk around it.
chapter 5
i walk down another street.


Anonymous said...

I agree that leaving is simple, not easy. Many people are trapped by their jobs due to salary or benefits that they feel unable to leave behind for a new venture. This leaves many burned out nurses in places they really should not be..., but what is the answer really. If you feel you can not leave your job and you are burned out. What steps can you take to re-energize yourself and your praactice?

Anonymous said...

I love this one---I am going to post it in my office!
I guess this could be an answer for burnout.

Walk down another street----Be willing to work where you are appreciated, not where you are paid the most.

APNA said...

I had not thought of that.

This poem is like a swiss army knife, a hundred diffetrent uses.

I guess decisions like that are always dependent on a cost/benefit analysis.
