Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Top 10 reasons to Join APNA

Actually, this a top 5. We're asking our members to give us 5 more reasons that APNA is the association to join for psychiatric nurses. Please comment and let us know what you think. Look forward to hearing from you!


Anonymous said...

psychiatric nurses are the voice for an advocates of the most disenfranchised consumers of the health care delivery system?

Anonymous said...

I agree we can be their voice. But what are we saying and who are we saying it to.
The policy and law makers are really the ones who need to hear and respond to the concerns of the mentally ill---Are they listening?
Pscyhiatric nurses can use their voice to resound what they hear eveyday to those who could make a difference. BUT---I do not always see nursing doing this. Why Not?
Are we afraid or is no one listening?

Anonymous said...

Good mental health should be holistic in nature, that is from the ancient traditions, teach us there is an interplay between mind, body and spirit.

Being the voice of mental health means respecting how body and spirit also play into the mental and emotional realm of our inner natures.

Hopefully the future of APNP in the mental health field will have an appreciation of the spiritual as well as biological/physiological rhythyms of the person, in having harmony/disharmony with the cognitive and emotional states in the well/ not so well individual.
The current biopsychsocial model needs to be made more in tune with the essence of man in the real state and how we relate to the earth and our environment at large.

I'd add something about spirituality as a reason to join APNA. I'm not talking about religiosity. But rather how can spirituality be added to mental wellness models as well as healthy body parameters.

We should be practicioners that don't deny body and spirit influences on behavior.